Staff Conference Offering Exceeds Goal

Just before InterVarsity staff travelled from campuses around the U.S. to St. Louis for our triennial Staff Conference in early January, some 350 students representing 22 nations gathered at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology in Rwanda. The first-ever regional missions conference (similar to InterVarsity’s Urbana convention) organized by the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) Francophone Africa region was held from December 22-29, 2007.

InterVarsity staff at Staff Conference 08 were given the opportunity to participate in an offering for the Rwanda conference, and challenged with the goal of raising $30,000. The offering would go to cover all remaining outstanding debts of the conference (around $8,000) as well as fund student movement outreaches to overcome racial and ethnic strife in Rwanda and other countries. Staff responded generously at the conference and afterward. As of January 25, 2008, the offering total was $34755.26.

“God gave us a wonderful Staff Conference, many believe the best in years, if not the best ever,” said Jim Tebbe, vice president for Missions. “I am sure the staff’s generosity is an expression of thankfulness.”

“I was truly taken aback to hear the news of the appeal made at the National Staff Conference, and the very generous response that you received,” said Deborah Lake, head of Advancement for IFES. “We are deeply, deeply grateful. This is a great encouragement, enabling us to support innovative work in places where it is so hard for young people to raise support for training and attendance at key conferences like the one in Rwanda.”

Students worship God

“Faites de toutes les nations des vrais disciples” Mathieu 28:19

One of the main speakers at the Rwanda conference was Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra from Sri Lanka, who works as the IFES Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement in Asia. He reminded students that the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19 follows the Great Affirmation in verse 18. “We cannot call people to be disciples if we ourselves are not continually learning to be disciples, and that integral mission comes out of an integral gospel,” he told them.

workshop list
A list of some of the conference workshops, tackling some of the key issues faced in this region, including Islam and traditional religions in Africa.

At the end of one of the main teaching sessions, led by regional staff member Dr. Pierre Ezoua, attendees stood to affirm their commitment to being God’s agents of transformation in African society. Nearly everyone in the room was on their feet.

One way that transformation is taking place is through a one-year volunteer program established between Union des Groupes Bibliques du Rwanda (UGBR, the IFES movement in Rwanda) and World Vision Rwanda. UGBR graduates live in rural communities, serving people in their practical needs—which are many, following the horrific genocide of 1994 and the civil conflicts in the ensuing years.

Syldio and Kofi Hagan
Syldio (General Secretary of UGBR) and Kofi Hagan (National Director of World Vision Rwanda)

Kofi Hagan, National Director of World Vision Rwanda, praised the graduates produced by UGBR for their deep biblical understanding and concern to reach hurting people for Christ. At the end of last year, 90 percent of the graduates involved in this volunteer program were offered full-time positions with World Vision.

Bien-Fait (literally translated – “Well-Made”), a graduate volunteering with UGBR, lost both parents and siblings during the genocide.

“This really speaks volumes for the caliber of Christian graduates being formed by the IFES movements across Francophone Africa,” Deborah Lake said. “We have much to thank God for.” InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is one of the founding members of IFES.

Charles MurigandeAugustin Ahoga

Charles Murigande, left, a UGBR graduate, is now serving as Rwanda’s Minister for Foreign Affairs; Augustin Ahoga, right, is IFES Regional Secretary for Francophone Africa.
