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Stepping Out in Faith
At the beginning of spring semester 2004, Jackie, a student at Illinois State University-Normal, was challenged to think about why God had called her to a secular university campus instead of a Christian college. Jackie lives with Beth, a Jewish woman, and Loni, who is a new Christian and still learning about God’s love for her. Jackie understood that she could be a witness to Christ where she lived, so she began sharing the gospel with her roommates.
Jackie started a Bible study with Beth. One afternoon, they studied Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels for more than three hours. Beth had many questions about Christianity. As the weeks passed, she continued to ask Jackie questions about what Christians believe.
Throughout the semester, Loni had been watching Jackie’s behavior to see how her actions displayed what the Bible teaches. But through Jackie’s persevering friendship, Loni began to see how her own sins were displeasing to God. She has chosen to deepen her commitment to Jesus by being actively involved in InterVarsity’s ministry on campus next year. She will be involved in Jackie’s small group, and she also hopes to find a church to attend near campus.
Now that Jackie has seen God use her to advance the gospel, she is excited to share her faith with others.