By Kristine Whitnable

Taking the Initiative to Spread the Gospel

Over ten percent of InterVarsity campus staff are involved in planting new chapters. Mark and Renee Newman are re-establishing the chapter at Towson University in Maryland after ten years. A new chapter has been established at Arizona State University. People are coming to Christ through the new InterVarsity witnessing communities in the greater Los Angeles area.

One of InterVarsity’s national initiatives is to develop witnessing communities on campuses where we do not currently have a chapter. One way to fulfill this initiative is to encourage those who are already planting chapters and to train those who desire to develop new witnessing communities. Jim Lundgren, vice president in charge of the Collegiate Ministries Department, and Tom Boyle, director of Staff Development and Training, have organized a year-long program to help staff establish new InterVarsity chapters. Staff gifted in evangelism and chapter planting will be encouraged to develop their gifts within the program, and InterVarsity as a movement will grow as staff who are trained in chapter planting and growth mentor other staff, who will in turn instruct other staff.

A cohort of ten staff will be paired with ten coaches who are experienced in chapter planting. They will be invited to a week-long intensive training course that will provide both theory and practical theology for chapter planting. The goal will be to equip them to plant a new chapter in the coming school year. The sessions will combine some of our best ministry tools and ideas with a creative mix of teaching, discussions, and experiential learning methodologies. Chapter building will be included in the curriculum so that the newly planted chapters will grow.

During the next school year these chapter planters will put in practice what they have learned. Their respective coaches will visit them regularly to encourage them and answer questions. Sufficient funds have been raised to help support these staff members during this year.

Christ commands us to go to the college and university campus and make disciples of all people. The InterVarsity growth initiative to reach more campuses with the gospel demonstrates our obedience to this command. While the training program designed to implement this initiative is a means for staff to be obedient, it is not the only way to fulfill God’s call to declare the gospel. Please pray that God’s Spirit will renew campuses all across the country as we obey Christ’s call.