Teresa Buschur

To All Nations


The IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) sponsored its Europe/Eurasia Evangelism Conference last April in Gyor, Hungary. Small groups of students from the same country studied the Bible. Together, they observed facts in the text, asked questions, and found truth for their Christian walk in the book of 1 Peter. The text was translated into 25 languages. Even with two-and-a-half hours of Bible study each morning, some students said, “I wish we had more time for Bible study. We have lots more we want to discuss and discover.”


When the entire group was assembled, the hats or T-shirts worn by students represented individual countries. Some groups even displayed their country’s flag. The sight of all the various nations worshiping Jesus together was overwhelming.



Speakers shared how the Scripture passages had influenced their lives. “I’m willing to give up my rights and make a ‘spiritual sacrifice’ as a member of God’s royal priesthood, and suffer for Jesus’ sake,” Suzanne shared. These examples helped students get a clearer picture of how Jesus could help them in particular situations in their lives. Everyone was enthusiastic about sharing the message of God’ s love with students when they returned to their countries, and enjoyed meeting and studying with others who are passionate about living for Christ.



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