By Alec Hill

Two New Vice Presidents

It is my great joy to welcome two new InterVarsity Vice Presidents. Each brings deep spiritual devotion, immense talent, and a heart-felt passion for our mission. They also reflect a generational leadership shift currently occurring in the Fellowship.


Tom Lin, Vice President: Director of Missions and Urbana
As a college senior at Urbana 1993, the Lord called Tom to join InterVarsity staff. But when he shared this exciting news with his parents — first generation Taiwanese immigrants — they strenuously objected. “We didn’t send you to Harvard to become a missionary,” they protested.



Confused, Tom went to the Lord for reconfirmation of his call. After it came, he came on staff, planted new chapters at Harvard and Boston University and lead numerous global and urban projects.



Subsequently, his parents renounced their faith and walked away from the church. Tom’s letters were not returned; his phone calls were ignored.



Seven painful years passed. As his mom was about to die from cancer, she called Tom home to Chicago. Apologizing for their past actions, his parents blessed Tom’s call. For a video account, see



During an interim period — before launching a new student ministry in Mongolia — Tom worked as Hewlett-Packard’s National College Recruiting Manager. From 2002-06, he and his wife Nancy, lived in Mongolia, where he served as the IFES Country Director. A self-sustaining movement was planted that continues to thrive today.



After returning stateside, Tom became Regional Director of our Central region (Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska). During his tenure, the number of new believers, chapters, and staff grew dramatically.



Tom and Nancy, are proud parents of two daughters – Abby (age 6) and Livy (age 4). Please pray that their St. Louis home will sell quickly and that the move to Madison will go smoothly. Tom started his new VP role on February 1st.



Andrew Ginsberg, Vice President: Director of Advancement
Two decades ago — as an undergraduate at Duke University — Andrew decided to join a wind ensemble. He had no way of knowing that his decision to play the trumpet with a small group of musicians would change his life.



Several members of the ensemble were active in Duke’s InterVarsity chapter. As friendships grew, they invited Andrew to participate in an inductive Bible study. Looking for truth and pleased to spend time with friends, he accepted. However, due to sensitivities within his Jewish family, he later decided it best to drop out of the study.



Nonetheless, these friendships continued, as did an expanding circle of people praying for Andrew. Five years after graduation, Andrew encountered Jesus through a vision. One can only imagine the joy his friends — now living all over the world — experienced after praying for him for nine years.



As Andrew’s faith grew, so did his professional career. First as Worldwide Marketing Manager for the pharmaceutical giant, SmithKline Beecham, which included a stint in Belgium. Then as Vice President of Marketing for LabCorp, a 27,000 employee bio-med company. In these circles, Andrew was best known for his strategic thinking and leadership skills.



About two years ago, Andrew felt that the Lord was leading him to quit his corporate job. Despite having small children and no sense of what was coming next, Andrew obeyed. Six months later, he told Jimmy Long, (our Regional Director in the Blue Ridge region) that the Lord was moving him towards nonprofit ministry. Andrew joined InterVarsity staff last summer as Associate Director of Advancement.



For the past eight months, Andrew has been raising personal support and moving into a leadership role on the Advancement team. It has been a joy to watch his sense of connectedness with the Fellowship grow at Orientation of New Staff, Fall Meetings, and National Staff Conference.



Andrew brings a wealth of experience to the Fellowship. He loves people and has strong team-building skills. He is currently an elder at Chapel Hill Bible Church in North Carolina, recently serving as Chair of a Pastor Search Team. He has also participated on a number of nonprofit boards.



I am excited that his wife Marnie, their three wonderful girls – Gillian (age 9), Kyra (age 7) and Tessa (age 2) – will join him in the move to Madison. Andrew will assume his new responsibilities on July 1st.

