Urbana Campus Tour

For Immediate Release

(Madison, WI) -- InterVarsity’s Urbana Student Missions Conference is not just another conference. Urbana is one of the longest running evangelical missions conferences in the U.S., used by God to send thousands of missionaries across the globe, and challenging hundreds of thousands of Christians to live missionally in the fields to which God has called them.

Urbana’s unique heritage will become more widely known this fall as InterVarsity takes the Urbana experience on tour, visiting a dozen campuses from Boston to San Diego to introduce the themes of Urbana. These tour events will preview Urbana 12, InterVarsity’s twenty-third student missions conference, which will be held December 27-31, 2012, at the America’s Center in St. Louis.

“Urbana is about connecting students with God’s global mission,” said Urbana Director Tom Lin. “Hundreds of thousands of students have responded to God’s mission in a multitude of ways since the first InterVarsity missions conference in 1946. Today’s students are just as committed to changing their world and it’s still just as important to introduce them to God’s global mission.”

Lin will be speaking at the first Urbana: On Campus event on Friday, September 21, 2012, at his alma mater, Harvard University, along with Jim Martin of International Justice Mission. Speakers at other Urbana: On Campus events include InterVarsity President Alec Hill, other InterVarsity staff, and guest missionaries.

The Urbana: On Campus schedule:

  •  Harvard University - September 21
  •  Rutgers University - September 21
  •  James Madison University - September 28
  •  California Polytechnic State University - September 28
  •  University of California Santa Barbara - October 5
  •  Southern Illinois University  Carbondale - October 11
  •  Northwestern University - October 12
  •  University of Toronto - October 12
  •  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - October 19
  •  University of California San Diego - October 24
  •  University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - October 25
  •  Duke University - October 26

More information about Urbana: On Campus at https://urbana.org/urbana-12/urbana-campus.
Information about  Urbana 12 at https://urbana.org/urbana-12.

Bethany Horvath
Urbana Communications Director

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