War With Iraq

With war upon us, campuses will be a microcosm of the tensions that divide our nation. And, InterVarsity chapters will not be immune. At one end of the spectrum, we have students who participate with ROTC or who are reservists. At the other end, we have students who are members of traditional peace churches. We are all concerned by the moral implications of war and about the impact that this war may have upon the Christian mission in the region and the world.

Here are some articles, opinions, and resources that may help you gain insight into the situation in Iraq

Praying in a time of War. An article from InterVarsity staff member Lisa Laird.

Why does God allow war? An essay from Martyn Lloyd- Jones.

More articles like the one above from www.antithesis.com.


Praying for ROTC at Michigan Tech. InterVarsity at Michigan Tech University sponsored a campus prayer vigil that was covered in the local paper.


Faithmaps lists resources designed for Christians to navigate the world.

A world At War: Should Christians Be Involved? An article from the Navigators looking at how Christians should be involved.

The reality of war.
InterVarsity staff member Chuck Hohnbaum writes about war in our fallen world, and how we should be people of peace.

A Christian leader uses principles of the Just War to support military action. Dr. Woodrow Kroll of Back to the Bible ministries asks if War with Iraq is justified.

What if you get called up? (Reprint of an article from 1944) If you get called up into military service, your life and your college plans are not on hold, as you may be tempted to feel. Rather, here is a perspective on spiritual growth in trying times.

Six Steps to Avoid War. Sojourner’s magazine campaign to help Christians stop the war.

Christians in Iraq. An article from Christianity Today online about the church in Iraq.

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