Who Am I?

College students are trying to figure out who they are. Whether it is through academics or other means, students are searching for their identity. Thus “Who Am I?” is the theme for Greek Conference 2005. The weekend looks at three main themes: Who Am I in Life? Who Am I in Christ? Who Am I in Reality?

About 800 students gathered at the Indianapolis, IN, conference February 4-6. Another 150 attended the Charlotte, NC, conference on February 18-20. Greek conference is the largest InterVarsity student event outside of Urbana.

Since 1994, Greek Conferences have impacted six thousand students from 115 campuses and 30 states. InterVarsity has had a focused outreach to fraternity and sorority students since 1991. Go to InterVarsity’s Greek pages and Mission Network News for more information on Greek ministry.

Follow up: Total attendance-956 from 61 campuses and 38 states. Decisions for Christ-77. A total of 110 committed to starting a house ministry and 53 to starting investigative Bible studies.

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