InterVarsity alumni - Sonja Greiwe

For the last 17 years, the first Saturday in December has been a day set aside for an annual Christmas cookie bake with my best friends from college at DePauw University in Greencastle, IN. All of us were in different sororities and pursued different majors, but we became dear friends through InterVarsity’s Bible studies, large groups, prayer meetings, and leadership teams. Those experiences were the catalyst for joining our hearts together.

Every cookie bake we each bring a few cookie recipes or pre-made dough. As we roll, bake, and ice cookies, we ask each other questions about the prior year: How was the delivery of your baby? Anything new going on at your church? How did the school year turn out for Johnny? I remember praying together for him last year. You want a tattoo?! What’s it been like for you this year since your mother passed away? How is your husband’s new job working out? Does anyone have a good hand lotion for eczema?

We laugh and share our lives together, but the thing I always look forward to the most is our prayer time at the end of the day. The prayer time is when we pour out our hearts to Jesus for all the complex issues we are each currently facing and for the upcoming year.

Often it is when the tears flow, hands are held, and hugs are given as we pray for our marriages, our children, and for God to use us for His glory while here on earth.

The last 17 years have had ups and downs, joys and sorrows, and every year brings new challenges and experiences. These college friends have brought depth, insight, and inspiration to my life and have shared with me the beauty of their friendships. Thank you, InterVarsity!

Photo – Top row L to R: Angie Donaldson, Sonja Greiwe, Ally Hedrick, and Kim Hassell. Bottom row L to R: Debi Alexander, Maria Westrick, and Jennifer Oswald.

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