Teresa Buschur

Finding Love in Jesus

Students had been praying for God to help them reach out to Oakland University’s campus community with the message of Jesus Christ. The students began to see answers to their prayers as they planned the first coffeehouse outreach event. The students offered free food and entertainment in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage non-Christian students to come and investigate the Gospel.

The evening started with students sharing their talents in music, poetry, and comedy. The outreach event allowed many InterVarsity students to become more involved in their Fellowship.

Students had been praying for God to help them reach out to Oakland University’s campus community with the message of Jesus Christ. The students began to see answers to their prayers as they planned the first coffeehouse outreach event. The students offered free food and entertainment in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage non-Christian students to come and investigate the Gospel.

The evening started with students sharing their talents in music, poetry, and comedy. The outreach event allowed many InterVarsity students to become more involved in their Fellowship. The entertainment also provided an opportunity for students to engage in conversations about their faith with others. The message of the featured speaker was that Jesus Christ can fill all the empty spaces in our lives with His love. Many students responded to this message.

Over 100 students showed up at the coffeehouse, and most of them were not InterVarsity students. Lois Miller, InterVarsity Staff at Oakland University, started a conversation with an international student. The student was searching for friendship and support in the campus community and asked Lois what students involved in InterVarsity did. He also asked a lot of questions about Christianity, and Lois was able to share the Gospel with him.

As the coffeehouse outreach drew to a close, the students were asked what they thought of the evening. Two students said they had accepted Jesus for the first time, while several others recommitted their lives to Christ. Many students responded that they are interested in studying the Bible and what it says about Jesus.
The next day, another woman became a Christian after discussing her experience at the coffeehouse with her friends. Many students were encouraged to find love in Jesus through their conversations with InterVarsity students. A student from China has also expressed interest in Christianity. InterVarsity students invited him to attend a prayer meeting. Over the next few weeks, he attended two prayer meetings and went to two large group Fellowship meetings. He has also enjoyed playing basketball and volleyball with some InterVarsity students and continues to investigate Christianity.

The coffeehouse outreach has encouraged InterVarsity students at Oakland University to reach out to others with the Gospel of Christ. The event also reinforced the power of prayer for many students, as God answered their prayers for the event above what they had asked for or even imagined was possible. The outcome of the coffeehouse night has led InterVarsity students to share their faith and continue praying for their friends and campus.

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