• 13 - InterVarsity student leaders from California State University–Sacramento are planning a spring leaders’ retreat. Pray that this semester attendees follow through on commitments they make to help their peers grow in their relationships with God.
  • 14 - Today students and staff at Clark University in Worcester, MA, return to campus from break. Pray for InterVarsity students to connect with non-Christians and begin Bible studies as they share the hope of Christ.
  • 15 - Praise God for 10 students from campuses in northern Pennsylvania who have recently made decisions to follow Jesus!
  • 16 - Commuter students at San Francisco State University in California gather on Wednesdays for Bible study. Pray for students to discover the character of Jesus through Scripture and make time in their schedules for relationships with one another.
  • 17 - Pray for student leaders to engage their peers with the Gospel at these recently established InterVarsity chapters in Massachusetts: Mount Wachusett Community College in Gardner, Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, also in Worcester.
  • 18 - Pray for InterVarsity students in Hawai’i who attended Urbana 12 to step out and encourage other students to share their faith on campus.
  • 19 - New student leaders at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign begin meeting this month. Pray for them to seek God’s vision for their campus, share their passion for reaching non-Christians, and gain skills in their new leadership roles.
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