March 1 - Pray for non-Christians to join InterVarsity students throughout this month during four weeks of Urban Plunges in Washington, D.C. Ask God to clarify his call on students’ lives as they serve and share the Gospel.
March 2 - Graduate & Faculty Ministries staff participate in InterVarsity’s Multiethnic Staff Conference this week. Pray for good discussions as they develop strategies to increase the ethnic diversity of staff members serving on over 100 campuses.
March 3 - Pray for spiritual protection as InterVarsity leaders on campuses in Missouri continue to engage their communities in issues of racial reconciliation. Ask God for wisdom, strength, guidance, and energy as they pursue justice and shalom throughout Missouri.
   Also pray for Brian Pugh, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Pray that the graduate students whom Brian serves at Vanderbilt’s medical and nursing schools in Nashville would pursue excellence in their studies and remain committed to obeying the Lord through their study of the book of Daniel. Join Brian in praying that these students would remember God’s sovereignty as they choose to follow Christ in their daily decisions.
March 4 - Registration for Urbana 15 opens today. Pray for students to commit to attending and trust God for financial provision. Also pray as members of the Urbana program team develop content that challenges participants to join God’s global mission.
March 5 - Ask God to draw non-Christians into InterVarsity’s undergraduate large group meeting tonight at the University of Wisconsin—Madison as student leaders present the Gospel and invite their peers to begin relationships with Christ.
March 6 - Pray for residents to experience God’s love as over 900 students from the New England region participate this month in ServeUp, four week-long service projects to rebuild homes and consider issues of faith and justice in Tampa, FL, and New Orleans, LA.
March 7 - Students from the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA, attend Mark Camp, a chapter camp where they spend time studying the Gospel of Mark, today through March 13. Pray for participants to be transformed by the Gospel as they study the life of Christ.

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