JUNE 7-13

June 7 - Thank God for InterVarsity chapter students at Oregon’s Portland University who last semester made commitments to follow Jesus. Pray that their faith would continue to grow throughout the summer.

June 8 - Pray for InterVarsity staff member Jessica Fick as she works with InterVarsity Press for a summer release of her book Beautiful Feet: Unleashing Women to Everyday Witness. Ask the Lord to use this book to empower women to share their faith.

June 9 - Please pray for the core team of students at Creighton University in Omaha, NE, to become missional leaders on campus. Also pray that they would fully depend on God as they reach out to their friends with the good news of Christ.

June 10 - Ask God for discernment and wisdom as InterVarsity staff who attended our Multiethnic Staff Conference 15 continue processing different aspects of reconciliation.

June 11 - Pray for InterVarsity staff members Esther and Will Chu in Missouri serving as small group leaders later this month during InterVarsity’s Orientation for New Staff in Madison, WI.

June 12 - Ask God to continue uniting the small group leaders’ team at California State University, Fullerton, giving this team a vision for their fall New Student Outreach.

June 13 - Pray for students to step into leadership in New York University’s Multiethnic InterVarsity chapter. Ask the Lord to give each a clear calling to reach the campus with the Gospel.

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