March 27-April 2

March 27 - Campus staff member Evan Smith is transitioning back into ministry at York College in Pennsylvania after a six-month sabbatical. Pray that he and his student leaders would relearn how to work together and grow increasingly Christlike in their leadership.
March 28 - Many new International Student Ministry small groups have started this semester around the country. Ask God to use them to declare his love for the nations by leading many international students to hear and respond to the Gospel.
March 29 - Pray that InterVarsity students at the University of Florida in Gainesville would rely on the strength and joy of the Lord this semester. Specifically pray for the student leaders of the chapter as they work together for the sake of Jesus.
March 30 - InterVarsity students at The Juilliard School in New York City are launching new small groups this semester. Pray that they would have boldness and courage to invite their non-Christian friends to come and explore God’s Word and the truth of Christianity together.
March 31 - At Millikin University and Augustana College, both in Illinois, seven new small groups are being launched among targeted campus groups, such as theater students and the track team. Pray that InterVarsity student leaders would invite people, and that God would use these Bible studies to make disciples.
April 1 - Kevin Boyd, campus staff member at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, has entered a four-month period of sabbatical rest. Pray that God would use this time to grow him in receiving God’s love, refresh his body, and root him in life-giving spiritual disciplines.
April 2 - Please pray for the Lord to instill a love for prayer in students throughout Utah and Southern Idaho and to give more students the vision and perseverance to pray for their campus and peers.

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