February 5 - Pray for wisdom for the Central Ohio InterVarsity area ministry team as they discern the possibilities for launching a  chapter at Central State University in Wilberforce.
February 6 - Ask the Lord to heal the atmosphere of fear and bring unity on campus at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Pray for InterVarsity’s chapter there to be a strong light for God’s goodness amid violence and hate.
February 7 - Pray that God would help the Graduate & Faculty Ministries chapter at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, to take steps of faith to reach out to their friends with the gospel, and that the Lord would bring spiritual growth from these efforts.
February 8 - Several InterVarsity chapters in Ohio are facing possible campus access issues. Pray that the Holy Spirit would change the hearts and minds of administrators at these campuses, and that God would encourage these chapters during this time of uncertainty.
February 9 - Pray for a growing and robust base of church partnerships that can come alongside InterVarsity’s Orange County campus ministry in California, and multiply their abilities to minister to students together.
February 10 - InterVarsity’s Greek Conference: Indianapolis is tonight through Sunday afternoon. Pray that the Lord would use this premier event, which regularly attracts 500 fraternity and sorority students, to bring more people into God’s kingdom. Also pray for keynote speaker York Moore, a veteran InterVarsity staff minister and our director of catalytic partnerships.
February 11 - Praise God for the ministry of Nurses Christian Fellowship and for the NCF Student Ministries team as they develop new resources to equip nursing students and faculty for mission and outreach.

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