MAY 7-13

May 7 - At Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, pray that students would have sensitivity to God’s leading through the Holy Spirit as they reach out to their peers in class and in their dormitories.
May 8 - Pray that the chapter at Penn State–Harrisburg would thrive through a difficult season of losing several students who transferred to other schools. Ask God to give Campus Staff Minister Jesse Stowell encouragement and peace as he disciples
students there.
May 9 - Ask the Lord to prepare up to three new Area Directors and up to seven new Campus Staff Ministers to join Graduate and Faculty Ministries’ Midwest regional team as they plan for 2017/18.
May 10 - Pray for continued connections with faculty at Fairmont State University in West Virginia and for wisdom and energy for Staff Minister, Katie Mentzer as she forms a student leadership team there and trains leaders to reach more corners of campus.
May 11 - At Sonoma State University in California, pray that InterVarsity students would respond to their leaders' invitations to engage in deeper disciplship and mission, and envision multiplying God's impact on campus.
May 12 - Pray for more students at Dickinson College and York College in south central Pennsylvania, to join InterVarsity Bible studies so that they can meet God, learn about him, and have their lives transformed by him.
May 13 - Ask God to help students at Willamette University in Oregon continue to grow in their understanding of their ethnic identities and heritages, so that they can fully reflect the imago dei with which God has blessed them.

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