Week of July 31

  • InterVarsity students and staff traveled the world this summer through InterVarsity’s Global ProgramsGlobal Urban Trek, and Urban Programs , serving and learning as they studied the Bible in new contexts. Pray that team members would remain attentive to the Holy Spirit as they return to more familiar environments, and for those who are discerning whether God is calling them to ministry to the urban poor.
  • InterVarsity student leaders from New England campuses attend weeklong Summit conferences during May and August at Toah Nipi to study Scripture, listen for God’s direction, and make outreach plans for the coming year. Pray that God will guide them through each step of outreach on their campuses.
  • It’s been one year since Tom Lin officially became president of InterVarsity. Please continue to pray for Tom and his newly appointed leadership team as they press on towards the vision of reaching every corner of every campus with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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