Sharing the love of Christ through conversations and doing what we all do best…eating!

Learning to discern God’s voice in the midst of my pain began with a word from my friend.

Adjusting to a new job in a new city and a new country, but still working with students

Niche ministry fits in well with a sport that permeates the southern California culture

"I wanted to trust God for something that was bigger than me"

Staff, students, and faculty of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA wish to express our condolences to the families of students who died from the killings on the Northern Illinois University campus on Thursday, February 14, 2008. Our prayers are for these families and for the injured students.

One thing holds true for Greeks – they love to be in community, and InterVarsity provides them a place to develop friendships and learn about Jesus.

Gary was remembering the many times they had spent vacations on the island, learning of God’s love and delighting in his creation.

At the 150th anniversary of the dedication of his church, All Souls Church in London, Reverend John Stott gave voice to his dream for not just his church, but all souls everywhere.

The buzz on the campus of Stanford University in early February was all about DNA, the Human Genome Project, and God, following a lecture by Francis Collins, the director of the project. "As we study the DNA of our organisms, we are looking at the language of God," Dr. Collins said.
