The gospel of Christ is a humbling message, for it offers us nothing in which to boast of our own strength, will, or goodness.
A bunch of guys who are serious about following Jesus and living for him
But how best does it point others to Jesus?

InterVarsity is thriving on the campus where it was disaffiliated one year ago

Staff are among evacuees in San Diego area
Movie night offers a chance for a dialogue about justice

A radio program with deep roots in InterVarsity

At the beginning of September a portion of the InterVarsity Chapter at the University of Wisconsin — Madison moved back into a dorm on campus, Witte Hall. But, as with any new venture, they have had to continue evaluating their success in accomplishing their vision. So far, the chapter has enjoyed a satisfying first semester.

This calendar offers an idea of the opportunities available to continue your support of InterVarsity in your area and across the country. These events offer opportunities for volunteering and for prayer.

Responding to questions about the relevance of faith and the quest of meaning.
