Why did Jackie, a Christian, enroll in a state university rather than a Christian college?

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Every week, Katie’s roommates invited her to InterVarsity’s Large Group meetings. She resisted, saying, “No church for me.”

Sara, and many other students, found answers to the question “Who is Jesus?”

What are InterVarsity students reading this summer?

A diverse group, from a non-traditional school, study the Bible at InterVarsity’s training facility, Campus-by-the-Sea.

Students are blessed as they offer God their minds.

Marya shares how she has grown to trust God more as she learned about leadership.

New students attend an InterVarsity discussion on the diversity of God’s creation.

Robert’s knowledge of the Old Testament and challenging questions make for spirited discussion during a Bible study.
