The Tampa Urban Project was one of many opportunities for InterVarsity students of different ethnic backgrounds to serve the urban poor this summer.

By demonstrating the love and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Mayo Medical School-Rochester, MN, InterVarsity students are attracting their fellow students to the family of God.

What does it look like for Protestants and Catholics to come together in worship, witness, and service? At the University of San Diego, InterVarsity students may have found an answer.

William R. "Bill" Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, died Saturday, July 19, 2003. InterVarsity offers our condolences and prayers for his family and for our brothers and sisters in Christ at Campus Crusade.

“I’m sorry I missed last week. I was on my way when I got a call inviting me to lunch with the governor,” Sylvia explained as she arrived for InterVarsity’s prayer meeting at the University of Illinois-Chicago.

Praying to Jesus is a strong indication to InterVarsity students at the University of California-Davis that we are all part of the body of Christ.

Kathy Cooper, InterVarsity staff at Ohio State University-Columbus is discovering that prayer has a lot to do with peacemaking, and peacemaking requires much prayer.

News items about InterVarsity ministries.

InterVarsity students at the University of Wyoming-Laramie discovered that God’s power is greater than their skills.

“I’ve been coming to Large Group InterVarsity Christian Fellowship meetings at the University of Illinois-Chicago and haven’t felt very connected to anyone,” said John, a sophomore.
