2020 Vision Campaign

Dream with us about will happen by the year 2020 if more of today’s students and faculty respond to

the Gospel, are taught to walk faithfully with God, and are developed into spiritual leaders.

The Vision

As senior leaders prayed and talked about the plans, InterVarsity realized the need to find new ways to resource the growth in InterVarsity’s ministry. After much prayer, the 2020 Vision Campaign was launched to secure additional financial resources to reach future generations of students and faculty. The goal was set to secure $10 million in current gifts and identify an additional $10 million in deferred or planned gifts, primarily through estate gifts.

Where we stand now

We are encouraged to report that over $9 million in current gift intentions have been given and over $14.6 million in deferred gift intentions have been identified. While we still have two years left in the campaign, God is changing hearts and lives, and we are confident that we will see the resources provided so that many more students and faculty may have the chance to respond to the Gospel and receive biblical training, and grow to serve God faithfully.   

Here are some of the highlights:

  • More people have become Christians through InterVarsity in the last 5 years than at any point in our 70 year history.
  • We have planted 62 new InterVarsity chapters around the country, with more starting in the fall of 2010.
  • 2,676 Urbana 09 participants committed to serve long-term (two years or longer). This is the highest number of the past three Urbanas.

You can be involved by praying and giving.

Would you please pray for this important work and consider a special gift towards the remaining goal?

  • Pray for InterVarsity’s ministry on campus, specifically for the areas of evangelism, chapter planting and building, leadership development and the triennial Urbana Student Missions Conference.
  • Pray that God will prepare the hearts of many as we seek to raise the remaining goal. 
  • To sign up to receive InterVarsity’s monthly Intercessor Prayer email (click here)

Click here to give to the 2020 Vision Campaign. If you are interested in creative gift options or incorporating InterVarsity in your estate plans, please email Gary Kopan, or contact him by phone at 608-443-3685.

For More Information:

If you have questions about the 2020 Vision Campaign, please contact Joshua Hall, Director of Development and Director of the 2020 Vision Campaign.

VIsion Campaign Newsletters

Summer 2008

Spring 2009

Fall 2009

Spring 2010

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