
February 14, 2006

Artist Mary Melikian remembers the Bible study habits she learned as a college student decades ago, because she still practices them.

February 6, 2006

The Journal of Christian Nursing from Nurses Christian Fellowship devotes its winter issue to our winter years

February 3, 2006

A street musician introduced Yvetta to Jesus and then she found InterVarsity

January 23, 2006

Freshman may feel they are lost in the crowd, but God can find them.

January 18, 2006

Students attending InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministry’s Atlanta 05 conference grabbed hold of God’s blessing.

January 18, 2006

Throughout history, declaring the gospel has resulted in dramatic changes for individuals and society. InterVarsity staff, students, and faculty turn the world right-side up as they share the good news.
