
August 16, 2007

Again and again, people described how their experience with the chapter was "the best time of my life," and how trips to Cedar Campus for summer training, "literally changed me and my worldview forever."

August 16, 2007

At most colleges students move out of the dorms after their freshman year and never look back. Granted, the experience of living in a dorm can be a blast, but in general it's not hard to say goodbye; no more unknown roommate, no more boring meal plans, no more cramped quarters. But moving back into the dorms is exactly what a group of students from University of Wisconsin—Madison's InterVarsity chapter is doing.

August 14, 2007

Decisions that students make during their first few weeks on campus often set a trajectory for their entire college experience; that's why InterVarsity invites new students into our witnessing communities on campus through New Student Outreach.

August 14, 2007
The Bible is a historical document that is trustworthy. But if you ask for a one-hundred percent certainty, then you may expect too much.
August 3, 2007

As International students arrive on U.S. campuses, they are immersed in a completely different culture. InterVarsity staff and students are eager to welcome them.

August 1, 2007
When Sophia began her first campus assignment she was confronted with the culture shock of working on a commuter campus
