
December 28, 2007

Lessons from a nurse for honoring yourself and honoring God with your time commitments

December 28, 2007

Bryton grew up in a family devoted to the Mormon faith. But as she got older, she began to question the beliefs she had grown up with.

December 28, 2007

Students at Columbia College began gender-specific discipleship groups out of a desire to increase accountability

December 17, 2007

Perhaps it is easier to offer grace when we understand the temptations that college students often face. At many schools there are a plethora of party options on the weekends, where sex is sometimes as casual as a handshake.

December 17, 2007

Mer Bilhorn has lived two lives—pastor and engineer. Throughout his life, he has had a passion to proclaim the truth of the gospel and to find out the best way to store energy in batteries.

December 17, 2007

The Incarnation is infinitely more mysterious than balancing on one finger atop a basketball. As miracles go, the Incarnation is stunning, unexplainable.

December 17, 2007

When 1,200 InterVarsity staff and spouses return to St. Louis for a National Staff Conference, January 2-6, 2008, there will be many similarities and some key differences with last year's Urbana 06 Student Missions Convention in St. Louis.

December 14, 2007

As we contemplate the incarnation, we would do well to look beyond the cute baby in the manger to see the revolution that came with the Son of God.
