
May 15, 2009

As I reflect on this year of ministry to students and faculty, I'm thrilled by the Lord's active hand. Despite economic uncertainty and campus access concerns, we have been truly blessed.

May 14, 2009

The current economic crisis is squeezing InterVarsity, just as it is squeezing most ministries. But our ministry on college campuses continues, and our ministry model seems to be weathering the crisis well. InterVarsity was featured in the cover story for the current May issue of Christianity Today.

May 14, 2009

Dallas Willard was teaching Philosophy classes and working on his PhD when he became actively involved with InterVarsity at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He described finding an organization on campus committed to seriously seeking God as a "tremendous relief."

May 13, 2009

At this time of year graduating students look forward to fulfilling their dreams of becoming successful in their chosen careers. For over sixty years, InterVarsity staff, students, and faculty have proclaimed the gospel on campus and prepared students for servant leadership.

May 12, 2009

Spiritual formation is the process through which one's inner self is opened to the work of the Holy Spirit

May 8, 2009

Although there are 28,000 students at Georgia State University (GSU) in Atlanta, only 2,800 of them live on campus. The rest of the students commute to school, making their commitment to any campus organization unlikely.

May 5, 2009

While Jim returned to his hometown from college with his career path mapped out, he brought back with him something he hadn't planned on, a global perspective on the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

May 1, 2009

As I reflect on this year of ministry to students and faculty, I'm thrilled by the Lord's active hand. Despite economic uncertainty and campus access concerns, we have been truly blessed.
