
February 27, 2009
Each year, I recommend the best books that I've enjoyed over the past twelve months. This was a great year.
February 24, 2009

InterVarsity's Black Campus Ministry invited students to meet in Atlanta in December

February 20, 2009

As president of Alpha Xi sorority, Emily wanted more for her sisters than belonging to a social group

February 19, 2009

The InterVarsity chapter at New Mexico Tech has made evangelism an increasing priority

February 16, 2009

Fifteen years ago Adam White helped started an InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter for students at the University of Chicago Business School. Today he works with Christian artists and testifies before Congress as he continues to follow God's leading in his life.

February 12, 2009

One great love in your life is not enough. We need more, particularly if we are going to lead a good life. We need at least four great loves.

February 12, 2009

First semester reports show many responses to student witness. Students are still seeking spiritual answers and InterVarsity is there for them.

January 29, 2009

Two books published by InterVarsity Press were recognized with Christianity Today 2009 Book Awards, and a third received an Award of Merit.
