
March 26, 2009

For the past three years InterVarsity chapters in New England have spent spring break rebuilding New Orleans. In the process students have learned not only how deeply God cares for New Orleans but also how deeply He cares for them.

March 17, 2009

Jamie couldn't change her heart by herself. But through the kindness of InterVarsity students and the love of Jesus Christ, she learned to trust that God could change her heart.

March 16, 2009

The Shack has touched millions. Many have identified with the main character's Great Sadness.

March 13, 2009

Is God necessary for morality? This was the question for the debate between Dr. William Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, and Shelly Kagan, Clark Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, on the evening of February 24, 2009, at Columbia University in New York City.

March 10, 2009

Students in the Greek system on campuses across America often fall into the stereotypes that we ascribe to typical college students: partying and sex are prevalent among fraternity and sorority students. But God has been transforming the Greek system from the inside out, using organizations like InterVarsity to reach students for himself.

March 6, 2009

It was because of some InterVarsity students that Sim Gregory and her husband became Christians while they were in college. So volunteering for InterVarsity was a natural step for her.
