Changing the Campus Culture
College president praises InterVarsity’s presence on campus
College president praises InterVarsity’s presence on campus
Iowa alumni gather to relax, refuel, and reconnect with InterVarsity friends
Pioneer Year internships help a new chapter connect with commuter students
At most colleges students move out of the dorms after their freshman year and never look back. Granted, the experience of living in a dorm can be a blast, but in general it's not hard to say goodbye; no more unknown roommate, no more boring meal plans, no more cramped quarters. But moving back into the dorms is exactly what a group of students from University of Wisconsin—Madison's InterVarsity chapter is doing.
Decisions that students make during their first few weeks on campus often set a trajectory for their entire college experience; that's why InterVarsity invites new students into our witnessing communities on campus through New Student Outreach.
Very little in college coursework prepares us for leadership. It’s easier just to be a member of the group.
Katie Schneider knew she wanted to go on staff after she graduated from Wooster College
When Katie Schneider arrived on campus in 2005 as the new staff worker, Phil and Carolyn Munro welcomed and encouraged her.