With any significant experience, it's important to process in an external way and with others. During The Celtic Way try to take time once a week or so to reflect and share in a small group. If you are looking for a debrief group, check out the bi-weekly emails or Facebook group for options.
How to Debrief Your Via Divina Experience
Use some of the questions below, plus a question or two from each walk's theme (found in the journal). Since everyone will be walking at a different pace and will likely have listened to different walks as the group meets, make sure people know they are welcome to share about where ever they find themselves along The Celtic Way.
Encourage everyone in your group to speak. Notice if you haven’t heard from someone or if one person is dominating the conversation, and if so, gently invite equal participation.
- Where did you go? What walk(s) did you complete this week?
- What did you see on your walk? (Feel free to share pictures.)
- What did you think about while walking?
- What stuck out to you from the audio guide for the walk(s) you took?
- What reflection question from the walk(s) you took resonated with you and why?
- What have you been learning about a particular walk's theme that you want to remember?
- Is there a next step you feel led to take in light of that walk's theme?
The Approaching Differences Diagram
Some things in our Celtic Way experience might stretch you: exercise, outside speakers at special events, things said in debrief, the repetitiveness of breath prayer or other spiritual practices you may not be familiar with. Any time you experience this dissonance, we invite you to view it as an opportunity for growth. Ask God what he is teaching. Be curious. Build relationships.
To learn more about this vital tool for loving and working well across cultures, please visit InterVarsity's Multiethnic Ministries page.
Debrief Group Contact Information
Below, you will find contact info for the facilitators of the various debrief groups. We invite you to choose the group you are most interested in and contact the debrief group leader for the time and location (or Zoom link) for their debrief group.
Can't find one that fits? If the national group does not work, please email bob.trube@intervarsity.org or consider inviting a few local friends to join you and debrief together. Registration will be open throughout the Celtic Way. Also, join the Facebook group where we will add groups as they form.
National Groups:
- Open National Group: Jamie Noyd, jamie.noyd@intervarsity.org.
- This group will meet on Wednesdays beginning June 30 at 7pm ET on Zoom at: https://intervarsity.zoom.us/j/92126341293
- Women in the Academy and Professions: Karen Hice Guzman, karen.guzman@intervarsity.org
- Black Scholars and Professionals: Fred Williams, fred.williams@intervarsity.org
- Student Affairs Professionals: Zach Baldwin, zach.baldwin@intervarsity.org
- Midwest Faculty Conference, Dennis Powell, dennis.powell@intervarsity.org
- California-North: Tim Tseng, timothy.tseng@intervarsity.org
- California-South: David Vosburg, vosburg@g.hmc.edu
- Florida: Gary Cameron, gary.cameron@intervarsity.org
- Hawaii: Ashley Byrd, ashley.byrd@intervarsity.org
- Kentucky-Tennessee: Will Clark, will.clark@intervarsity.org
- Massachusetts: Jeff Barneson, jeff.barneson@intervarsity.org
- Massachusetts and neighboring states: Marianne Smith, marianne.smith@intervarsity.org
- Michigan, Melodie Marske, melodie.marske@intervarsity.org
- Minnesota: Chet Mulholland, chet.mulholland@intervarsity.org
- Nebraska and nearby states: Tim Perry, tim.perry@intervarsity.org
- North Carolina and neighboring states: Steve Hinkle, steve.hinkle@intervarsity.org
- Ohio: Howard Van Cleave, howard.van-cleave@intervarsity.org
- Texas and neighboring states: Leon Fillyaw, leon.fillyaw@intervarsity.org
- West Virginia: Amy Hirshman, hirshman2@gmail.com