
We look forward to seeing you at our live events throughout the pilgrimage. All Zoom links will be shared only with registered participants via our Tuseday and Friday emails and our private Facebook group. We kindly request that you not share the Zoom links and recordings.

Add Celtic Way Events to Your Calendar



Thursday, June 24

2pm ET / 1pm CT / 12pm MT / 11am PT / 8am HT

Meet your fellow participants, your hosts, and special guests, as we learn about the The Celtic Way and prepare to journey together.

Watch Recording of the Orientation Session (51:48)


Root 1: Love — Walk Begins

Thursday, June 24

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Root 1: Love as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Root 1: Love Walk Details


God and Guinness

Monday, June 28

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT / 2pm HT

Did you know that Patrick had a personal brewer, the monk Mescan? Come and join in the community of a virtual pub as we explore the intersection of faith, beer, hospitality and vocation for the common good. We'll look at the three century story of how the Guinness family's faith impacted the city of Dublin and the Irish people along with the stories of our paneliests. Feel free to enjoy a pint of Guinness - or your favorite adult beverage during this webinar!

Watch Recording of God and Guinness Session (32:33)

Hosted by:

Bob Clark
Regional Ministry Coordinator for the Midwest, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
Rev. Katrina Jenkins
Dean of Religious Life, Rollins College

Root 2: Protection — Walk Begins

Tuesday, June 29

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Root 2: Protection as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Root 2: Protection Walk Details


Root 3: Presence — Walk Begins

Friday, July 2

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Root 3: Presence as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Root 3: Presence Walk Details


Root 4: Identity — Walk Begins

Tuesday, July 6

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Root 4: Identity as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Root 4: Identity Walk Details


Irish Dancing

Tuesday, July 6

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT / 2pm HT

Few things capture the joy of Ireland like its music. When the strings of violin and banjo weave together with rhythm, flute, and hearty Gaelic song, you can’t help but join the dance. InterVarsity alumna and dance instructor Laura Holford will teach us some basic Irish dance steps (it’s ok, you can turn your camera off!), providing a warm environment to dance and celebrate the good things of God’s world we're discovering along the Celtic Way.

Watch Recording of Irish Dancing Session (51:14)

Hosted by:

Laura Holford
Irish Dance Instructor, Toured with the National Dance Company of Ireland throughout 20 countries.

Six Streams of Christian Faith

Thursday, July 8

5pm ET / 4pm CT / 3pm MT / 2pm PT / 11am HT

Explore how the six great traditions of Christian faith, as described by Richard Foster, were practiced by early Celtic Christians - contemplative, holiness, charismatic, social justice, evangelical, and incarnational. We'll also engage with prayer practices that can help us bring each stream into our lives today.

Watch Recording of Six Streams of Christian Faith (25:50)

Hosted by:

Kathy Tuan-MacLean
National Faculty Ministry Director, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
Jamie Noyd
Area Director for Ohio Valley, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries

Branch 1: Trust — Walk Begins

Friday, July 9

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Branch 1: Trust as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Branch 1: Trust Walk Details


Sharing our Stories: God with us on Campus

Monday, July 12

5pm ET / 4pm CT / 3pm MT / 2pm PT / 11am HT

We will gather together to consider ways for participants to share how their work and faith come together on campus or else where. This seminar will also include breakout sessions where faculty can discuss their academic work in a smaller setting and begin workshopping how to “Share the Story” of God’s work in their work on campus. Even if you’re not a faculty member, this seminar will provide tools about sharing the story of how your faith and work connect.

Watch Recording of Sharing our Stories (33:49)

Hosted by:

Wendy Quay-Honeycutt
Vocational Discipleship Specialist, Pacific Region - InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
Dr. Asabi Afi Dean Ph.D. LPC
Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, School of Education at Quincy University

Branch 2: Resurrection — Walk Begins

Tuesday, July 13

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Branch 2: Resurrection as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Branch 2: Resurrection Walk Details


Power Women

Wednesday, July 14

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT / 2pm HT

Two challenging vocations, each filled with complexities and daily ups and downs. Yet more and more women are answering the call to both the academy and motherhood. A growing body of literature addresses parent-professors, but what about the particular needs of Christian women seeking to navigate both callings while living out their faith?

Join Karen Guzmán, Director of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions as she hosts a panel of editors and contributors from the upcoming book Power Women (IVP, October 2021). Panelists include Nancy Yuen (Biola University), Deshonna Collier-Goubil (Azusa Pacific University), Jean Neely (Azusa Pacific University) and Joy Qualls (Biola University). 

Hosted by: InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions, InterVarsity's GFM West Region, Azusa Pacific University, and InterVarsity Press.

Watch recording of Power Women (58:06)

Hosted by:

Karen Guzmán
Director of InterVarsity's Women in the Academy and Professions
Nancy Yuen
Sociologist and Pop Culture Expert
Dr. Deshonna Collier-Goubil
Interim Dean of the School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences at Azusa Pacific University
Jean Neely
Adjunct Faculty in Writing, Azusa Pacific University
Joy Qualls
Associate Professor of Communication Studies and and Associate Dean at Biola University.

Lewis, Tolkien and the Inklings: The Pursuit of Friendship and the Flourishing of our Work

Thursday, July 15

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT / 2pm HT

For nearly 20 years a group of writers gathered at a pub near Oxford University to listen to and discuss the work of the members. In popular imagination, the meetings of men in the sitting room at the Eagle and Child pub were thought to be loud occasions - animated by strong opinions and copious amounts of warm beer. The reality was likely different according to Diana Glyer, Bandersnatch, who writes that the group typically met for breakfast on Tuesday mornings. But perhaps the most striking observations from Professor Glyer’s book are the ways that members of the Inklings shared a friendship that transformed their lives and their work. Our workshop will explore these insights as well as ways that we can encourage friendship in creative communities.

Watch Recording of Lewis, Tolkien and the Inklings (48:51)

Hosted by:

Jeff Barneson
Senior Campus Staff Minister (Boston), InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
James Kim
Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Branch 3: Community — Walk Begins

Friday, July 16

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Branch 3: Community as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Branch 3: Community Walk Details


Paths of Contemplation: Celtic Poetry and Visual Art

Monday, July 19

8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT / 2pm HT

Experience devotional exploration and communal reflection through Celtic poetry and visual art. In the Celtic tradition, many prayers, hymns, and reflections are written in poetic fashion. We will read and examine some of these poetic devotional expressions as well as a handful of “spiritual” poems by poets working in the Irish tradition. The Celtic monastics are known for their magnificent blending of words and visual art through their illuminated manuscripts. We will examine some of these illustrations along with other visual art that will draw us into the wonder and joy reflected in the hearts of the artists who made these pieces.

Watch Recording of Paths of Contemplation

Hosted by:

Bobby Gross
Vice President, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
Diane Tyndall
Campus Staff Minister, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries

Branch 4: Story — Walk Begins

Tuesday, July 20

Look to your inbox for details, resources and links for Branch 4: Story as you begin this part of the Celtic Way journey.

Branch 4: Story Walk Details


Spiritual Homelessness

Wednesday, July 21

5pm ET / 4pm CT / 3pm MT / 2pm PT / 11am HT
NOTE: This workshop will not be recorded, so make plans to join us live.

In his classic book, To Know As We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education, Parker Palmer writes that the “pain of disconnection” permeates education, observing that “most educators go into teaching not for fame or fortune but because of a passion to connect… but when institutional conditions create more combat than community, when the life of the mind alienates more than it connects, the heart goes out of things, and there is little left to sustain us.”

For university faculty, institutions such as the church, other faith organizations, and university often seem less like “home” and places of deep connection than lonely spaces in which they yearn for a deeper connectedness and wholeness. In this session, Professors Jean Neely (Azusa Pacific University) and Steve Classen (George Fox University) will briefly discuss their sense of loneliness and homelessness in professional and faith institutions, invite others to share their experiences, and discuss possible paths toward increasing connectedness.

Hosted by:

Mike Karim
Senior Campus Staff Minister for UC Riverside & the Inland Empire, InterVarsity's Graduate and Faculty Ministries
Jean Neely
Adjunct Faculty in Writing, Azusa Pacific University
Steve Classen
Professor and Chair of Communication & Cinematic Arts at George Fox University


Friday, July 23

2pm ET / 1pm CT / 12pm MT / 11am PT / 8am HT

With any significant experience, it's important to process in an external way and with others. This session will conclude our time together and help us continue along the Celtic Way throughout our lives.

Watch the Recording of the Celebration

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