Webinar Sign Up: The Lonely Pastor

Webinar Sign up: How God Meets Us and Shapes Our Lonely Communities (COVID-19 and Beyond)
What: A webinar for pastors and church leaders 
When: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at 11:15 AM PST

Pastors admit that they’re constantly surrounded by people – and relationally isolated. A friend to many, but personally friendless. They’re lonely. 

And they’re ministering to intensely lonely congregations. Students, working adults, the elderly – all of them report that they are intensely lonely and isolated. In fact, before COVID-19, doctors and sociologists were calling on governments, schools, and churches to address the national loneliness epidemic.

Before we can minister to lonely congregations and communities, we need to allow God to minister to us in our loneliness. Join Jason Gaboury as he shares insights from his new book, Wait With Me: Meeting God in Loneliness (IVP). How might God want to use our loneliness as a means of spiritual transformation?

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