But how they serve is changing

"The closest friends I ever had."

Greek InterVarsity announces theme for this year's Greek Conferences

An opportunity for life changing friendships

Ministry in New Orleans is revitalized

Frank Stenzel retired from InterVarsity staff in June of 2006. This was the culmination of a long relationship with InterVarsity that began in 1959 when Frank entered California State University-Chico as a freshman.

"Multiethnic reconciliation is all too rare in mainstream culture and the church," says the introduction to an article in the August issue of Christianity Today. The article is written by Orlando Crespo, the director of La Fe, InterVarsity's ministry with Hispanic students.

In 1956 some of the staff at Bear Trap Ranch gathered a group of interested alumni together to pray for the ministry at Bear Trap. Seven or eight times a year for the past 50 years, prayers have been offered for the students in Colorado.

In San Diego the staff and students from nine different InterVarsity campus chapters have asked the big, bold question: "What would happen if we work together to reach the over 190,000 students throughout the city of San Diego?"

As new students arrive on campus, InterVarsity members are welcoming freshmen and encouraging them to participate in large group meetings, Bible studies, and chapter social events. Cookouts, bonfires, and bowling also characterize New Student Outreach (NSO).
