Carrie Jones came to St. Louis from Orlando in the fall of 1995 to attend Washington University and get degrees in architecture and engineering, because she likes to build things. Soon after she arrived, she volunteered to work with InterVarsity's CityLights ministry and learned how to build a community.

You can pray for the InterVarsity chapter at your alma mater. You may also be able to attend some activities as alumni.

During the summers Randy worked for an engineering firm where he learned to apply the problem-solving methods he had learned in the classroom. But even as he worked as an engineer, moving toward his career goal, Randy saw more and more that money and materialism would never truly fulfill his life.

Modeling strong faith and academic excellence

Using multiple approaches

Students question Mark and find answers

Anniversaries make 2006 a unique year of missions

Paul Borthwick chapel talk

Grad conference at the UW-Madison

InterVarsity is poised to respond
