Another new IVP partnership

A small contingent attending InterVarsity's Urbana 06 Student Missions Convention next December in St. Louis will be from Christian groups outside the U.S. that are planning their own student missions conventions.

Forging faith in the wake of Hurricane Katrina

InterVarsity graduate students and faculty members meet annually at the University of Illinois

Seeds planted early are now bringing the harvest

When college students pursue justice, they find Jesus is already there

Focusing on the Power of Ideas

CAPS International Partnership announcement

Urbana 06 will offer a track for business people that explores opportunities to share the gospel worldwide.

The title of the recent Multiethnic staff conference, Hope, Grace, Journey, reflects the desire of InterVarsity leadership to understand multiethnic ministry as a pilgrimage. According to several staff who attended the conference, God has given grace and hope to InterVarsity staff as they travel with God in learning to love and value one another.
