New InterVarsity Press book analyzes how people come to Jesus in a postmodern culture

At Orientation for New Staff, which the National Service Center hosts every summer, InterVarsity gives the new staff a broader and more encompassing view of the organization.

The relationship that starts between a student and InterVarsity is meant to last for more than four years. Maintaining contact is dependent upon a smooth hand-off between campus staff and the alumni department.

Last month, as Mary and I sat teary-eyed watching our oldest daughter graduate from Georgetown University, I reflected back on a much different set of emotions just two years ago.

It was a watermelon picnic where Katie Rigby connected with InterVarsity as a new freshman at Wake Forest University. And it was a small group InterVarsity Bible study that she led as a sophomore that awakened her passion for social justice and eventually led her to Teach for America.

Katie's ardor for discipling students helped lay the foundation for a ministry of chapter building

A Minnesota church played a key role in leadership development for an international ministry

An InterVarsity Alumnus who is out of this world.

The University of Wisconsin – Whitewater chapter starts a new tradition of service and respect

Northwestern University offers students many opportunities for global engagement
