Chapters in InterVarsity's Southeast region were challenged to be active in evangelism during April

Graduate students, faculty, and professionals have a chance to win cash prizes for innovative ideas on how they connect their field with Christian faith.

Christians are challenged to move beyond the culture wars and become culture creators.

We have already begun to develop the Urbana 09 program. Since 1946 InterVarsity has been providing a place for college students to see, hear, and respond to God's global mission at Urbana conferences. These five-day events have served as catalysts for missions for over 60 years.

New freshmen make decisions during their first weeks on campus that can have a major impact for years, including which groups to join, which new friends to spend time with, and how they will use free time.

At UCSD Catholics and Protestants have found a place to worship God together

My call to the student world has been a lifelong call. I am still excited by working out strategies on how we can be more effective in bringing the gospel to this generation of students and faculty.

The Red River region had a 26 percent increase in the number of students at camp. How we wish you could have witnessed the amazing ethnic diversity of our students worshiping together -- Chinese, Pilipino, Latino, Black, White, Native-American, Middle Eastern, South Asian and others. What a great reflection of the Rev. 7:9 portrait of God's people.

Discipleship of the mind is a key contribution to our spiritual growth

A small chapter with no leaders has blossomed after students were challenged to take an active role.
