
September 21, 2007
Charisma magazine reports "a new spirituality is stirring America's college students"
September 18, 2007
What is it like for the newbies who hug their parents goodbye in the dorm parking lot, square their shoulders, and turn to face a lifetime's worth of choices, questions, and opportunities compressed within the space of four years?
September 17, 2007

InterVarsity chapters around the country prepare themselves every fall for the new influx of students, ready to gather them into their communities. Just like the changing of the seasons, incoming freshman bring new things for us to enjoy about them. Like the colorful leaves of fall, they are vibrant — they are ready for adventure and open to new experiences.

September 13, 2007

In 1939 InterVarsity did not have a national office in the United States, but a few people were ministering to college students through Inter-Varsity Canada. One of these people was Grace Koch Belden, the only staff member for the Philadelphia area.

September 12, 2007
Rick James has a word for the unceremonious, anything-but-orthodox student who wonders if there might, after all, be something to Jesus.
September 7, 2007
A 41-year legacy of student ministry was celebrated as InterVarsity staff and friends marked the official last day of employment for Pete Hammond on August 31, 2007.
