
March 18, 2008

So much of contemporary spirituality—and this is not just limited to the church—is self-absorbed and narcissistic. Freud defined narcissism as the inability to grow up. The writer of Hebrews talks about those who are still longing for milk and asks "What about meat? Where's the maturity coming in?"

March 18, 2008

While many of their colleagues and friends headed south to warm beaches for spring break, 34 students from five University of Wisconsin (UW) campuses drove to Centrobrook Church in Milwaukee. Centrobrook is a Hispanic church that meets in an old warehouse on Milwaukee's near south side.

March 17, 2008

The human desire to flourish is as old as the biblical story of creation. The creation story in Genesis records that God instructed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. But the Fall changed everything.

March 17, 2008

Elfira felt uneasy about returning home to Indonesia. It had been five years since she was there last, and she thought she had left it behind. She came to the States to pursue a degree in engineering. But during her time here heard a call from God to serve him in another way. She decided to return home in order to help equip and minister with churches in caring for the poor and needy in Indonesia.

March 14, 2008

"The good news brings us to God," writes Brenda Salter McNeil, in her new book, "and it also brings life and healing to a broken, dying and divided world. Anything less is not the gospel."

March 7, 2008

Taylor Bodoh is the InterVarsity staff member on the campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee
