
September 8, 2008

Just back from Mission Korea, InterVarsity's Urbana director Jim Tebbe reflects on a question he was asked while in Korea: "How is missionary work different today than when your father was a missionary?"

September 2, 2008

This month students at colleges and universities throughout the United States are walking toward new classes and new experiences that will change their lives.

August 18, 2008

Chapters in InterVarsity's Southeast region were challenged to be active in evangelism during April

August 13, 2008

Christians are challenged to move beyond the culture wars and become culture creators.

August 8, 2008

We have already begun to develop the Urbana 09 program. Since 1946 InterVarsity has been providing a place for college students to see, hear, and respond to God's global mission at Urbana conferences. These five-day events have served as catalysts for missions for over 60 years.
