
February 15, 2007

Gary is the founder and president of International Justice Mission, an international human rights ministry that rescues victims of slavery, particularly those oppressed by human trafficking and sexual exploitation. IJM specializes in freeing children and women from the sex slave trade by bringing pedophiles and traffickers to justice.

February 15, 2007

This calendar offers an idea of the opportunities available to continue your support of InterVarsity in your area and across the country. These events offer opportunities for volunteering and for prayer.

February 15, 2007

A highlight of each Urbana convention is the call to commitment, and this year was no exception: 152 attendees acknowledged that they made a first-time decision to follow Jesus Christ at Urbana 06 and 9,000 people committed to use their vocation to serve God's Kingdom purposes globally and/or cross-culturally.

February 14, 2007

God has been speaking to me through this little grapefruit tree. "Jen, size isn't everything. Fruitfulness is what matters."

February 12, 2007

Urbana 06 uses music to inspire mission, a story from Urbana Today

February 5, 2007

Social networking spreads the impact of Urbana 06 in ways unimagined in earlier years
