
February 4, 2010

Jeff Barneson "does not shroud the generosity of the gospel" as he works among students and staff at Harvard University. Jeff has been working on the Harvard campus for more than 25 years.

January 26, 2010

A PSU student discovers the answer to her questions in Jesus' unconditional love.

January 15, 2010

At Urbana 09 York Moore, InterVarsity's national evangelist, described God's cosmic plan of salvation in terms of a celestial light invasion: the first light from God came in the creation story in Genesis, the second light is the incarnation reported in the gospels.

January 15, 2010

From CBN News to radio networks, to online news services, to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Urbana 09 was well-covered by a great variety of media.

January 14, 2010

Among those praying for the earthquake victims in Haiti and closely watching for news about the survivors of the devastation are InterVarsity staff and students who have traveled to Haiti on recent Global Project trips and are planning return trips in 2010.

January 13, 2010

Ife Ojetayo actively participated in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Binghamton University in New York from fall 2000 until spring 2004. While attending college, Ife was a small group leader and the InterVarsity chapter president for two years.

January 1, 2010

More than 7500 participants committed themselves to long term or short-term missions involvement, by filling out commitment cards at InterVarsity's Urbana 09 Student Missions Conference.
