Emily Baez

Emily Baez is a writer on InterVarsity’s Communications Team in Madison, Wisconsin. She enjoys long hikes, watching movies, and overly competitive game nights with friends. You can support her ministry here

Content created by this author:

Emily Baez

Jesus, the New Age, and Our Hidden Desires

New age practices promise to deliver on some deep human desires we’ve always had and always will have. When we investigate these desires, we’ll not only find that they’re natural and normal, but they’re also best satisfied in deep relationship with Jesus.
Emily Baez

Keeping—and Growing—Their Faith

Most people worry that college is where students lose their faith. Sadly, many do. But, we’ve also found that college is an ideal place to help students grow their faith and introduce them to Jesus.
Emily Baez

“God Still Does This”: Stories of Healing at the University of Colorado Boulder

Last school year at the University of Colorado Boulder, Derek, Abigail, and Jake started attending an InterVarsity small group on campus. There, they found belonging, opportunities to grow their faith, and a lifelong love of prayer ministry. They also discovered a God who could miraculously heal them not only of their physical ailments, but also of their mental, emotional, and spiritual brokenness.

Emily Baez

The Intentionality of God—Jordan’s Story

After weeks of prayer and discernment, it seemed clear that God was calling Jordan to start BCM on her campus in Auraria, Colorado. Still, Jordan struggled with doubt over whether she was right for the task.

Emily Baez, Hannah Keziah Agustin, Ashlye Elizondo Vanderworp , Drew Larson

Why You Should Join InterVarsity

We believe everyone should join InterVarsity! Here are five reasons.

Emily Baez

How to Be a Friendless Hermit in College (and How to Actually Make Friends)

Making friends in college doesn't have to be scary! Just take a few risks and follow these tips.

Emily Baez

50 Years of Ministry and Open Doors: Len Andyshak’s Story

Len Andyshak has impacted the lives of thousands of students and faculty during his 50 years with InterVarsity.

Emily Baez

A Call to Sit in the Mud with Gen Z: Sarah’s Story 

Sarah thought her issues were too much. But InterVarsity showed her Jesus was enough. Now, she hopes more people will do that for Gen Z. 

Emily Baez

The God of Second Chances — Silbano's Story

Silbano uses his story and experiences to reach often overlooked corners of campus, including formerly incarcerated students.

Emily Baez

“It Felt Magical”: A First-Generation Student Meets God, Finds Community & Discovers Real Love

Brandon met Jesus for the first time as a freshman at MIT.

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