By Steve Tamayo

Sometimes anger just feels like the appropriate response. 

By Jason Gaboury

St. Augustine famously prayed, “Lord, grant me holiness, but not yet.” (Domine, da mihi sanctitiam, sed noli modo.) We may relate to his prayer. 

What would happen if the creativity, vision, energy and passion of this generation was unleashed to reach the University?

By Amy Hauptman

As I write this, I am actually fighting against God’s invitation to forgive.

By Wes Foster

Some sins are easy to identify. When I hit the snooze button for the twelfth time, it’s pretty clear I’m struggling with sloth. 

InterVarsity staff create a welcoming community for students from refugee families at UNO.

The Scripture focus at Urbana 15 will be on the Gospel of Matthew.

Before Santa arrived at college, she knew that she wanted to get involved with InterVarsity.

By Drew Larson

On occasion—usually when it’s bright and sunny out and I’m not doing much of anything—I’ll look up and notice that the hounds of my worst mental habits have gotten loose. 

By Julia Powers

Several years ago, I didn’t want to go to church ever again. 
