Anglican bishop N.T. Wright spoke for three nights on the Harvard University campus. Students who are interested in changing the world for the better heard messages on God's best plan for changing the world, through the sacrificial death of his son Jesus Christ.

We are thankful for all those who continue to partner with us to bring students and faculty the gospel of Jesus Christ. In good economic times and bad, InterVarsity depends on our faithful donors, who enable us to accomplish our mission of seeing students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.

At Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, staff worker Kate Schoenemann-Torrey hopes that through InterVarsity students will learn to use their undeniable gifts to honor the Lord and bring people into his kingdom. Many students do not know who they are without their music.

Sandra Van Opstal will lead worship at InterVarsity's Urbana 09 Student Missions Conference, continuing InterVarsity's commitment to multicultural worship. The Urbana 09 Student Missions Conference will be held December 27-31, 2009, at the Edward Jones Dome and Americas Center in St. Louis, MO.

InterVarsity's first South Asian Leadership Institute was a dream come true and a huge success

Two years ago, 523 of our campus staff participated in a survey conducted in conjunction with the Lilly Foundation. We recently received our report and I am pleased to share what we have learned.

University of Houston students returned to school after Hurricane Ike ready to help the community

InterVarsity shares biblical perspectives for staying focused on God's mission during economic uncertainty.

God gave us occupations to serve others, to support ourselves and our families, and to allow us to express ourselves through our gifts and talents. His purpose is for each of us to flourish in our occupation as we interact with one another. Are you flourishing?

The summer before Guangyu left China to come to study at Texas Tech his mother told him, "When you go to America, Guangyu, ask about God. They believe in God in America and you need to ask someone to explain Him to you when you get there."
