Before You Walk

If you’d like to take notes throughout this session, make sure to download and/or print Part 1 of the interactive PDF journal before you head out.

Visio Divina

Begin the session with a guided prayer time using a piece of art that introduces today’s Celtic saint and invites the Lord to begin meeting you before you set out to walk.

>> Click here to access all Visio Divina videos


While You Walk

Audio Guide




After You Walk


Spend a few minutes capturing your experience while it’s still fresh using Part 1 of our interactive PDF journal.


Head over to our private Facebook group to share a photo or comment on how your walk went today.

Debrief this walk with one or more people who are on the journey too using the tips found on the Debriefing page. If you are looking for a debrief group, you’re always welcome to the open group on Wednesdays at 6pm Central and Thursdays at 1pm Central; see the Friday emails or Facebook group for Zoom details.

Prints of Artwork

Are you interested in buying Bette's artwork? You can purchase prints at Bette Dickinson's store.

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