Nathan Peterson

Nathan served as a writer for InterVarsity for five and a half years. He currently works for a ministry serving adults with disabilities. He enjoys writing and drawing and staying in shape.

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Nathan Peterson

What Do We Do When We Don’t Belong?

It’s a strange thing. I’m sitting here with all these people. Some I’ve known for quite a while. It’s a beautiful day.

Nathan Peterson

David and Goliath & the Trial That Wasn't Really a Trial

The testing and trials David went through when no one else was around were what shaped him the most.
Nathan Peterson

Understanding Rest – More Than Just Relaxing

God made us and made us for him. In ways we can’t fully understand, we crave him. But we do everything we can to satisfy that craving with earthly things. This is why we’re tired. This is why we need true rest.

Nathan Peterson

Would Jesus Eat Frybread? Can I?

The question “Would Jesus eat frybread?” is really asking “Would Jesus be willing to step into the complicated story of Native people?” Does he care, does he see the pain, does he see the strength there?

Nathan Peterson

What Can We Do When Life Just … Sucks?

Ultimately, I've come to see that suffering (whether big or small), struggle, and pain are realities in the Christian life. That's why we need to get real with Jesus and trust that he is at work. 

Nathan Peterson

How to Let Classes Become a Nightmare of Burnout & Exhaustion (and How to Actually Do Well in School)

You’ve heard college horror stories: stacks of books to read, professors with high expectations, vague directions and having to wing assignments. These things might definitely happen in college. But it doesn’t have to result in extreme burnout and stress. Here are some tips to help you find a healthy balance between school and fun

Nathan Peterson

That Initial Yes, the Ultimate Yes & the Mundane, Crazy, Terrifying In-Between

So even when it’s hard to say yes, know that on the other side of that yes, on the other side of your fear and uncertainty, there is a better, richer intimacy with Jesus.

Nathan Peterson

How God Is Growing Black Student Leaders in Alabama

To celebrate Black History Month, we’re featuring God’s work through InterVarsity’s Black Campus Ministries (BCM) in Alabama. As a student herself, all Summer wanted was a deeper relationship with Jesus. Now as a campus minister, she gets to witness Jesus drawing students closer to himself. Read more of her story below.

Nathan Peterson

Flour Fights & Building Trust: Zelma’s Story

Zelma had some joyful and some traumatic childhood moments. She was baptized as a kid, but turned away from God as she grew up. When she attended College of the Muscogee Nation, she struggled with nightmares, sleeping, and drinking. But eventually, she accepted Jesus transferred schools, and stumbled upon the InterVarsity chapter, making friends, reading Scripture, praying, and having her many questions answered. By the next year, she was leading a Bible study.

Nathan Peterson

Broken Toes, Bouncy Balls & the Search for Life

Inherently, we know that the act of breathing, blinking, existing isn’t enough. We were made for more. We want to feel alive. And whether we’re aware of it or not, the way we go about our lives shows what kinds of things we believe will give us life.

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