Nathan Peterson
Nathan served as a writer for InterVarsity for five and a half years. He currently works for a ministry serving adults with disabilities. He enjoys writing and drawing and staying in shape.
Content created by this author:
Policy Changes Lay Groundwork for Student Growth
“Non-students are no longer allowed on campus.” They were the words no campus minister ever wants to hear.
Easter 2021 Scripture Reflections
As we remember our Lord and Savior’s sacrifice this Easter, take some time to reflect on these passages and questions. Pray for fresh eyes and an ability to place yourself within each passage. Read them more than once to fully soak them in. And may the Holy Spirit fill us all with a renewed sense of wonder and delight as we celebrate the empty tomb!
Diving into Jonah—In-the-Belly Waiting
Suffice it to say, it seems like more than a few connections can be made between our situation and Jonah’s in-the-belly waiting.
White-knuckling It through 2020
As this year draws to a close, I realize I’ve too often been white-knuckling my way through it, just trying to hold on, keeping my grip for just a little longer. And that’s just not healthy.
Thriving Chapter Planting & Partnerships in the Middle of a Pandemic
In the spring of 2018, Suburban Philadelphia Area Director Justin Tibbels agreed with regional leaders to expand his area’s reach to include northeastern Pennsylvania, largely in response to InterVarsity’s 2030 Calling to reach every corner of every campus.
The Ministry of Physical Presence
God had a clear plan for making us physical beings—there’s something more to gathering together than just breathing the same oxygen.
Coming Full-Circle—World Changers Developing World Changers
Christine never could have guessed how God would reward her faithful years in ministry by blessing her daughter in the most unexpected way.
Didn’t Expect That—3 Movies Pointing to God
For me, what’s often most unexpected—and rewarding—is that moment when I’m just passively watching a movie when BOOM! God enters the picture.
Time to Respond—Giving & Receiving Virtual Calls to Faith
Reflecting on how God worked through these calls to faith, Kristen said, “I’ve seen student leaders long for the kingdom during the coronavirus [pandemic] more than ever before.”
Day-by-day—A Season of Unknowns at NYU
In New York City, one of the US cities hardest hit by the pandemic, God has been clearly on the move.