Nathan Peterson

Nathan served as a writer for InterVarsity for five and a half years. He currently works for a ministry serving adults with disabilities. He enjoys writing and drawing and staying in shape.

Content created by this author:

Nathan Peterson

Jesus Doesn’t Social Distance

Even though Jesus felt more distant, the truth is that he isn’t an inch further from me or you than when this pandemic broke out.

Nathan Peterson

Real Hope—Even during Coronavirus

In this new season, real hope isn’t a cliché. No, God, in his wisdom and sovereignty, guided us to this theme two years before COVID-19. He knew how people would crave tangible hope right now. 

Nathan Peterson

“The Urge to Confess”

Exposing our sins—although uncomfortable—is exactly what we need. It’s the first step in being cleansed of them and reminds us that no matter how great our sin, Jesus is greater!

Nathan Peterson

Through My Lens—Contextualizing Well

"Do we want to see people accept the gospel? Then it should be framed in a way that they can truly understand, in a way that shows that the gospel is actually good news for them."

Nathan Peterson

Is There a Solution to Millennial Burnout?—Rest in a Restless World

“Busy,” “stressed,” and “can’t talk, gotta go” are quickly becoming our default answers to “How are you?” And the busier we are, the more burned-out we get. Some say it’s a millennial thing

Nathan Peterson

9 Spiritual, Practical Lessons from the Job Hunt

Job hunting doesn’t have to be a necessary evil or an awful season of life. It can be exciting, refreshing, and encouraging as we wait for the Lord to begin the next chapter in our lives.

Nathan Peterson

Avengers: Endgame & Christianity

Avengers: Endgame struck a chord in people across the world. And like other art forms, it provides an inside look into today’s Western culture, especially when we consider the movie from a Christian perspective.

Nathan Peterson

Christians and Online Dating: 3 Things to Consider

Should you try online dating? After months of asking myself that same question, I decided to try it out for about half a year. Here are a few things I wish I would have thought about before diving into the quirky complexity that is online dating.

Nathan Peterson

The Lies FOMO Tells Us

Believing FOMO’s lies has only left me disappointed, looking for another quick fix, another move to help relieve those thoughts of missing out. It’s a never-ending cycle that leaves me restless and wondering what to try and where to go next. 

Nathan Peterson

Redeeming Self-Image

Bulging biceps. Watermelon-sized shoulders. Abs so defined you could see them from outer space. No, I’m not describing myself. Well, I guess I sort of am. I’m trying to describe the image in my head of the “ideal me.”

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