Spiritual Formation

By Phil Bowling-Dyer

I lost both of my parents in September. I’m mourning deeply, of course, but I also find a deep gratitude welling up for the many gifts they gave me.

By Adam and Christine Jeske

Three weeks ago, I asked several hundred college students a question: What is your biggest obstacle today to giving your whole life for God’s global mission?

By Chris Nielson

How often do we view our citizenship as a gift that we’ve been given to steward?

By Amy Hauptman

"It is not enough for freedom to be won. It must also be sustained. Cultural observer Os Guinness argues that the American experiment in freedom is at risk....He calls us to reconsider the audacity of sustainable freedom and what it would take to restore it.” 

By Patrick Langan

Distracted. This is the new normal. Checking your phone is now a reflex, a default. But technology is not just a shiny new tool, it’s like a prescription drug that we’ve become addicted to.

By Sharonda McPhee

As a little girl, I had a negative perspective of the word ‘different.’ Why? Because throughout elementary and middle school I was teased and made fun of because I was different. So over time, I changed how different I was, to blend in.

By Patrick Langan

There is such a thing as healthy, mature disagreement. I know there is. I have seen it a few times in my life and it is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, it is not that common. I have seen the opposite—the passive aggressiveness, the gossiping, the judgmental assumptions, the divisive

By Matthew W. Meyer

Each summer we partner with the Bosnian IFES movement (EUS) and send a team to Bosnia—to teach English to Bosnian college students and to share our lives and faith.

By Justin Soong

When I was in high school I went to Taiwan on a mission trip. My home church in Fremont, CA had been planted years ago by Taiwanese immigrants and now, we were helping plant a small church in Taiwan.

By Drew Larson

This is how you know that Eugene Peterson—pastor, professor, and bestselling author of the Bible paraphrase The Message— is stone-cold cool.


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